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  • Where to Report Cybercrime in the United States?
December 4, 2023

Where to Report Cybercrime in the United States?

Where To Report A Cybercrime In The United States

Cybercrime is a growing concern in the United States as people become increasingly reliant on information and communication technologies. In 2020 alone, the FBI estimated that more than $4 billion was lost to cybercrime in the country. As a result, it is crucial for individuals and businesses to know where to report cybercrime in case they become victims.

The United States has several federal agencies that investigate online crimes, with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) taking the lead in this area. One key resource for reporting cybercrime is the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), which serves as the nation’s central hub for collecting reports on internet-related crimes. Additionally, local law enforcement agencies can assist in filing formal reports and making appropriate referrals to other agencies.

Understanding where to report cybercrime in the United States is essential for ensuring the safety and security of the online community. By proactively reporting any suspected criminal activities, individuals and businesses can help law enforcement agencies combat cybercriminals and protect the overall integrity of the digital world.

Understanding Cybercrime

Cybercrime encompasses various types of illegal activities that occur in the digital realm. Cybercriminals use technology, such as computers, smartphones, and the internet, to commit various offenses like identity theft, unauthorized access to networks, and the dissemination of harmful software.

One common type of cybercrime is data theft, where criminals try to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information like login credentials or financial data. Other notable cybercrimes include ransomware attacks, in which systems and data are encrypted and held hostage by criminals who demand a ransom in exchange for decryption, and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, which can greatly disrupt online services by overwhelming them with traffic.

In the United States, many agencies fight against cybercrime. Key players include the FBI and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). These and other organizations are responsible for investigating and responding to cybercrimes.

To report cybercrimes, people should contact the

. This center accepts complaints from victims and third parties, playing an essential role in halting cybercriminal activity and assisting in the recovery process.

Effective cybercrime prevention requires cooperation among law enforcement agencies, private organizations, and the general public. Staying informed about the latest threats, maintaining strong cybersecurity practices, and promptly reporting incidents will help create a safer digital environment for everyone.

Federal Agencies to Report Cybercrimes


The FBI is the lead federal agency for investigating cyber attacks and intrusions in the United States. This agency collects and shares intelligence, engages with victims, and works to unmask those committing malicious cyber activities. To report a cybercrime to the FBI, you can visit their cyber crime page for more information on the process.

Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)

The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) is the nation’s central hub for reporting cybercrimes. It is run by the FBI and serves as a critical resource for individuals and businesses to report cyber incidents. To file a complaint or learn more about what IC3 does, visit their home page.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is another vital federal agency focused on combatting cybercrime and protecting the country’s digital infrastructure. DHS oversees the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), which provides cybersecurity best practices, threat advisories, and more resources for the public. To report a cyber incident to the DHS, you can visit CISA’s Report an Incident page.

U.S. Secret Service

The U.S. Secret Service is also actively involved in the investigation and prevention of cybercrimes. They maintain Electronic Crimes Task Forces (ECTFs) nationwide that focus on various types of cyber offenses. While the Secret Service does not have a dedicated online platform for reporting cybercrimes, citizens and businesses can contact their local field offices to report incidents that may fall under their jurisdiction.

State and Local Authorities

State Government Agencies

Several state government agencies are responsible for handling cybercrime reports in the United States. For instance, in California, two primary agencies investigate cybercrimes: the California Bureau of Investigation and the California Cyber Crime Center. These agencies work to protect Californians from various cyber threats and prosecute those responsible for cybercrimes.

Other states also have dedicated cybercrime units within their departments of justice. Reporting cybercrimes to these state agencies can help investigations and lead to the apprehension of cybercriminals. It is crucial for individuals and businesses to stay informed about their respective state’s cybercrime law enforcement agencies.

Local Law Enforcement

Local law enforcement agencies play a critical role in combating cybercrime. Many cities and towns have specialized units dedicated to investigating cybercrimes, such as the City of Chula Vista’s Digital Evidence Unit and the City of Upland’s High Tech Crime Unit.

When reporting a cybercrime, contacting your local law enforcement agency can be an important first step. They may possess the necessary resources and expertise to address your specific concerns. Additionally, local law enforcement can work in conjunction with state and federal authorities, ensuring that your report receives the attention it deserves.

Remember to keep in mind that reporting cybercrimes is an essential step in fighting against online criminals and keeping the internet a safer place for everyone. By staying informed about the appropriate channels to report cybercrimes at the state and local levels, individuals and businesses can contribute to strengthening cybersecurity efforts across the United States.

Incident Reporting for Businesses

When it comes to reporting cybercrimes in the United States, businesses can rely on a few key organizations to ensure appropriate action is taken and information is shared with relevant parties. This section discusses two such organizations: the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) and Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISACs).

US Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT)

The US-CERT functions as a critical part of the nation’s cyber defense. Businesses can report cyber incidents and anomalous cyber activity to the organization through various channels 24/7. To submit a report, organizations can send an email to [email protected] or call (888) 282-0870. By reporting to US-CERT, businesses can contribute to strengthening the overall security landscape and receive assistance, if necessary, in dealing with cyber incidents.

US-CERT is a part of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), which is responsible for addressing and mitigating cyber threats on a larger scale. This partnership ensures that the information shared by businesses is used effectively in combating cybercrime and fostering a more secure digital environment.

Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISACs)

Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISACs) are another valuable resource for businesses dealing with cyber incidents. These centers act as hubs for sharing vital security information among industry or sector-specific organizations. This collaboration enables companies within the same industry to share threat intelligence, best practices, and experiences, thus collectively enhancing the security and resilience of all participating entities.

ISACs cover a wide range of industries, including finance, healthcare, maritime, real estate, and transportation, among others. By participating in an ISAC, businesses can learn from their peers and stay informed about emerging threats and potential vulnerabilities specific to their industry.

In conclusion, businesses in the United States have multiple options when it comes to reporting cybercrimes. Utilizing resources like US-CERT and ISACs not only helps individual companies but also strengthens the overall security posture of the private sector and the nation as a whole.

Social Media and E-commerce Platforms

When it comes to reporting cybercrimes on social media and e-commerce platforms, various channels are available for users to file complaints. Many popular platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn offer built-in tools for reporting abusive content, impersonation, harassment, or any other form of cybercrime.

On Facebook, users can simply click the “Report” button on the offending content and follow the guided process. Similarly, Instagram provides options for reporting posts, comments, or profiles that violate their community guidelines. In the case of Twitter, users can report profiles or individual tweets that contain harmful content or target others. LinkedIn also enables its members to report and block users who engage in malicious activities.

E-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon take cybersecurity seriously, ensuring a safe and secure shopping experience for their users. On eBay, users can report suspicious listings or potential scams through the platform’s “Report Item” function. The Amazon Marketplace Monitoring and Fraud (MMF) team actively monitors seller activities to protect customers from fraud. Users can report any suspicious activity or violations of Amazon’s policies through the help center.

In addition to using built-in tools on these platforms, users are encouraged to report internet-facilitated cybercrimes to organizations such as the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), which partners with the FBI to collect reports and develop effective strategies against cyber criminals.

Remember that timely reporting is crucial in helping these platforms and organizations combat cybercrimes, ensuring a safer online experience for everyone involved.

Reporting Identity Theft

Identity theft is a concerning issue in today’s digital world. If you’ve become a victim of identity theft in the United States, there are specific steps you need to take to address the situation and protect yourself. This section will provide details on where to report identity theft.

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is a key agency responsible for handling identity theft cases. Victims are encouraged to report incidents of identity theft to the FTC using their dedicated website: or by calling 1-877-438-4338. Filing a report with the FTC helps them track down and stop identity thieves, ensuring the protection of other potential victims as well.

Credit Reporting Agencies

Another vital step in reporting identity theft is contacting the three major credit reporting agencies (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion). Inform them about the incident and request a fraud alert to be placed on your credit file. This alert will make it more difficult for identity thieves to open new accounts in your name. Additionally, consider requesting a credit freeze, which prevents any access to your credit reports without your approval. Contact information for the three credit reporting agencies is as follows:

Reporting identity theft to both the FTC and credit reporting agencies is essential in order to limit the damage and protect your financial well-being. Remember to act swiftly and be thorough in following up on any necessary steps to secure your personal information.

Additional Resources

The United States has several dedicated resources for reporting cybercrime. One such resource is the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), a central hub run by the FBI that focuses on collecting reports of internet crime. By visiting their website, individuals can find valuable information regarding online security and take the necessary steps to report cybercrimes.

Another option for reporting cybercrime is the FBI’s Cyber Crime division. This division investigates a wide array of cybercrimes, from identity theft to financial fraud, and has successfully tracked down and apprehended cybercriminals. By visiting their website, victims can learn more about how to report cybercrimes and seek assistance.

In addition to federal resources, individuals can also report cybercrimes to their local law enforcement agencies. According to the National Cybersecurity Alliance, local police departments and sheriff’s offices have an obligation to assist victims by taking a formal report, and are required to make referrals to other agencies when appropriate. It is important to report the situation as soon as it is discovered.

For information about international cybercrime and cross-border investigations, the United States Department of State offers resources and guidance on disrupting and deterring cybercrimes that impact Americans. Through their website, individuals can learn more about the department’s efforts in strengthening justice for U.S. victims of cybercrime.

By utilizing these resources, victims of cybercrime in the United States can take the necessary steps to report the incidents and seek assistance in resolving their cases. We hope this post helps you know where to report a Cybercrime in the United States. Visit for more cyber security content or follow our social media page on Facebook, Instagram,  LinkedInTwitterTelegramTumblr, & Medium and subscribe to receive information like this. 

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Arun KL

Arun KL is a cybersecurity professional with 15+ years of experience in IT infrastructure, cloud security, vulnerability management, Penetration Testing, security operations, and incident response. He is adept at designing and implementing robust security solutions to safeguard systems and data. Arun holds multiple industry certifications including CCNA, CCNA Security, RHCE, CEH, and AWS Security.

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