The British Museum, one of the world's most renowned cultural institutions, experienced a significant security incident on Friday after a former IT contractor allegedly infiltrated and disrupted its computer systems. The museum announced that temporary exhibitions would be closed for the weekend, impacting visitors and their planned experiences.
According to museum officials, the contractor, who was dismissed from his position last week, trespassed into the building and deliberately shut down several critical IT systems. Metropolitan Police responded swiftly, arriving at the scene and subsequently arresting the individual on suspicion of criminal damage and burglary.
The museum's management confirmed that they are working diligently to restore full operational capabilities. In the meantime, ticket holders for the weekend have been notified about the closures and offered refunds or the option to reschedule their visits. The incident has limited the museum's capacity, with members and pre-booked ticket holders given priority.
This security breach comes at a challenging time for the British Museum, which has recently faced scrutiny over artifact management and leadership changes. The museum, which attracts nearly 6 million visitors annually, remains committed to resolving the IT system disruption and minimizing visitor inconvenience.
The Metropolitan Police continue to investigate the incident, with the suspect currently released on bail pending further inquiries. Museum officials have emphasized their commitment to resolving the technical issues and ensuring the system security.
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Anthony Denis a Security News Reporter with a Bachelor's in Business Computer Application. Drawing from a decade of digital media marketing experience and two years of freelance writing, he brings technical expertise to cybersecurity journalism. His background in IT, content creation, and social media management enables him to deliver complex security topics with clarity and insight.
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